The Connected Flight Department: Real-Time Data. Real-Time Decisions

The Connected Flight Department: Real-Time Data. Real-Time Decisions

October 2, 2019

The mission of a flight department is to be able to safely and efficiently operate their aircraft in a manner that meets the demands of its passengers. In some instances, this is a very dependable and routine schedule. In other cases, the passengers may have schedules that are fluid and more reactionary. Either way, ensuring real-time communication is key between all members of the flight department to be able to meet the mission needs.

With the advancements of technology we now have access to real-time data and communication tools. These tools allow for single points of communication that don’t get lost in the clutter of emails and text messages, allows for efficient use of the crew and aircraft and allows for a transparent and cohesive picture of the flight department's operation.

Our webinar will cover what you need to look for in today's technology as well as insight from the people on the front lines.